Your vote is your voice, and you are heard!

Below are answers to some frequently asked questions, check back regularly as questions and answers may be added.

Who can vote in the bond election?

Anyone who is a registered voter residing within the Milford Independent School District boundaries can vote in this election. You do not have to own property or be a taxpayer to vote. Every vote counts! Regardless of how you vote, we encourage you to do so, your vote is your voice!

What is a school bond?

A school bond is a financial instrument issued by a school district to fund certain types of school construction and capital improvements. In order for a school bond to be issued, it must first be approved by the voters of the district at a general election and then approved by the Attorney General of the State of Texas. The vast majority of school construction in Texas is funded through voter-approved school bonds. The principal and interest are repaid over time through the school district’s debt service tax rate, similar to repaying a home mortgage.

How can bond funds be used?

Bond funds can be used to pay for new buildings, additions and renovations to existing facilities, land acquisition, technology infrastructure and equipment for new or existing buildings and large‐ticket items such as school buses. Bonds cannot be used for salaries or operating costs such as utility bills, supplies, building maintenance, fuel, and insurance.

When can I vote?

The bond election will take place on May 4, 2024. Early voting will begin April 22-26, 2024 - 8am to 5pm and April 29 & 30, 2024 - 7am to 7pm. Note: Voting times subject to change, voting locations coming soon.

Check back with us as we continue to update and address the communities Frequently Asked Questions.